Selection on iOS inserts a character

Steps to reproduce

  1. open a note on IOS that has a string of characters in it separated by spaces on either side
  2. attempt to select text by double-tapping the string (planning on copying it to clipboard)
  3. sometimes, I’d say 30%+ you will notice that the keyboard will pop up and a random character will be inserted in the string you are attempting to copy, foiling your plans
  4. if it doesn’t happen right away, try again and again. at least 10% of the time it will happen

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? Y

I have zero alterations from how the app arrives on IOS (no themes, no plugins). I have no idea how to run steps in the sandbox vault unfortunately and didn’t see it in the troubleshooting guide. I’m not a developer. If you discard this, you discard a real bug.

Expected result

I expect that when I double tap a string, Obsidian selects the entire string (ready for copying)

Actual result

Obsidian inserts a random character in the string.


SYSTEM INFO: Operating system: ios 18.1.1 (Apple iPhone14,2) Obsidian version: 1.7.7 (172) API version: v1.7.7 Login status: not logged in Language: en Live preview: on Base theme: dark Community theme: none Snippets enabled: 0 Restricted mode: on RECOMMENDATIONS: none

Additional information

Can’t find out how to edit title - it is SELECTION that inserts the character, not copying.

Can you kindly post a screen recording of this?