Search and Replace with Regex [SOLVED]

You can probably use a regex search and replace on the page to remove all markdown links.

For example regex101: Remove Markdown Links

Thanks. I am not into regex, I find it too complex to get a handle on, although I admit it would be a very useful tool to have in my toolbox.

But, if I am not mistaken, there are also different flavors of regex, which complicates it further.

I have used VS Code’s global search & replace on Obsidian successfully for my use cases.

I’m in the same boat. Maybe somebody can chime in or ask for help on discord.

Also, it seems the search/replace feature within a note does not support regex, for that you would need a separate plugin

I got it working.
Install the obsidian-regex-replace plugin.
Run the command “regex find/replace” and find \[([^\[]+)\](\(.*\)) and replace: $1

and it will remove external links in the note

in the note but not in all the notes, which is what the OP was about.

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