Same Vault - Different themes on different devices - Possible?

Things I have tried

What I’m trying to do

Hello there,
I am new to Obsidian, using it on my Windows PC and Desktop and on my iPad and iPhone. I am happy with the “Typewriter Theme”. But on the IPhone it appears a little too large…
Is there a way to have different themes on different devices, while working with the same vault?
Thanks for letting me know.

Best, Wolfgang

Go to “Plugin settings” → Sync and deactivate syncing of “Themes and snippets”

Wow! That easy, if you know how to. Thanks a lot!!
Best, Wolfgang

one more question though: where am I supposed to find this option in the latest version?


In the settings, at the left (scroll down)

Sorry… I cannot find “Themes and Snippezts”…

You have to scroll down to “Sync”

Are you talking about “Obsidian Sync Settings”?
I am using ICloud and there are no more options as shown in my screenshot.
Maybe you could post a screenshot?