"Reveal file in Graph" option

Use case or problem

The problem is losing context of where the active pane’s file is located in the graph.

Proposed solution

Allow the option for the graph to “migrate” or smoothly transition over to the file’s location when active in pane. Jumping violently would also cause a loss of context.

Either in the graph’s settings or in the file’s options menu, add a “Reveal file in Graph” under the option to “Reveal file in navigation” and “Show in system explorer”.

Current workaround (optional)

No good work around when working with many files, other than searching for each file individually.


I’m not sure if this is a different request from:
Make graph view react to Obsidian activity - Open Files are Highlighted

It probably is, but they’re definitely related.

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Sorry for the late reply. I went off the Obsidian reservation for a while using Margin Note for non-phd academic purposes.

Yes I think the suggestions are closely related. It would be super helpful to have the graph center on or highlight the node corresponding to the active note. It would also be useful to reveal the note by hovering over a graph node (say, while holding command key).

Both of these would be on fire now that I can tear out the graph window. This helps to not have the graph reset or shift with every exit and return to it.

I really hope there is a lot of thinking about the graph on the roadmap… visual/spatial learners that rely on distance and orientation to understand ideas are really searching for a solution out there.

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