Retain/remember status / settings of “Backlinks in document”

+1, there’s some gentle pressure towards using Dataview or other plugins instead of the native in-document backlinks, due to backlinks having a few bits of friction like this one. There’s a lot of potential there!


Would love for the option to have the backlinks be collapsed by default

The plugin influx is a good alternative for the time being but it causes the vault to slow down significantly, to the point of it being unusable

How in the WORLD is this feature not a dev priority? :flushed: I can’t believe what flow-killer this is every single day…


Would be very useful and easier to rely only on backlinks rather than dataview query etc.


+1 for this

+1 for this as well.

+1 Does anyone know if it is possible to set the expanded/collapsed status via css?

I stylize the in-document backlink pane with css already which helps with readability, but the default expanded “yellow highlighted” text is distracting. In addition to the search results being collapsed, it would be nice if the entire backlinks footer could be collapsable (with a heading ala the new properties).

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+1 from me

Totally agree!

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I would love to see the user selected state retained for backlinks that are displayed in document- just as they currently are for the right panel backlinks view. It doesn’t seem to make sense for there to be 2 different behaviors.

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I don’t know why the developer hasn’t paid attention to this problem yet. Why can’t I check the box so that the list is collapsed by default? Isn’t it really that difficult?

+1 for this

+1 for this too

+1 much prefer being able to see links at a glance by default

I was wondering why people still have this issue, since I don’t, but it seems that I have at some point installed Query Control plug-in, set it and forgotten it.

I think this should be fixed though, but in the meantime I would just recommend to install the plugin :+1:

+1, without the collapse for in document links it’s just too much visual clutter in the note

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What can we do to push for a solution here?

I’d like to be able to define a default option for all my notes. If Obsidian can remember the selection for a specific note is a plus.


CSS workaround that is imperfect, but for now good enough for me:

/* backlinks in document - hide expanded parts */
.search-result-file-matches {
    display: None !important;

/* backlinks in document - keep the font color grayish instead of white */
.tree-item-self {
    color: var(--nav-item-color) !important;

What’s imperfect:

  • you can’t expand anymore
  • arrows point down by default instead of to the right
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+1 for this!