Render Callout with Dataviewjs

Is there a way to render callouts with a dataviewjs-block?

I can render the first line with the title just fine, but the second one and so on with the contents of the callout doesn’t work.

Is there a javascript function within obsidian that can be called to generate the callout?

I was able to get it done with admonition using
app.plugins.plugins["obsidian-admonition"].postprocessor("info", "title: "+p.title+"\ncollapse: open\n![["+p.file.path+"]]", this.container.createDiv());

Although this works I prefer to use core-functionality if possible.

And apparently when updating a note that is embedded in an admonition generated with dataviewjs, all the embeds fall back to their filename instead of rendering the contents. Closing and opening the note with the generated admonitions renders it ok again.

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