When browsing the list of notes in Obsidian and opening a note, returning to the file list resets the scroll position to the top. Currently, the scroll position is lost, and the user is forced to scroll down again to find the previously viewed note, which creates a poor user experience, especially when working with a long list of notes. This feature request proposes saving the scroll position within the file list, so that upon returning from an opened note, the user is presented with the same view they had before, eliminating the need to re-scroll.
This feature would improve the overall user experience by:
- Saving time and effort by not having to re-scroll to the desired note location
- Reducing frustration and improving workflow efficiency
- Enhancing the overall usability of Obsidian
By implementing this feature, Obsidian would provide a more seamless and intuitive experience for users, allowing them to focus on their work without unnecessary distractions.