Relative priority (up or downvote in a list)

Hi, I keep many lists in obsidian. For example ‘books to read’ or ‘favorite questions to explore’, etc. I do this by creating a note for every book and include a ‘parent:: [[books]]’ in each book note. Then, on my books page, I generate a list using Dataview of all the books.

Here is what I would like to have: the ability to manually up or downvote a row in that list, so that I can order the list based on my relative priority.

Is there a plugin for that? Is there a way to achieve this?

Many thanks!

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Hi @Koen ,

You could have an inline dataview field “priority” on each of your notes, then use a “database” plugin to interactively update the metadata from a dataview query.

I found these two:

Haven’t tested them yet.

I also share the same need and will try this sometime soon, will post here if it works for me.
Keep us updated to !