"Related to" plugin

What I’m trying to do

Hello everyone, I’m using obsidian to do some world building and I’m looking for a plug-in that can show me related pages based on liked pages separated by tag or folders.

For example, I have a character folder/tag and a page called “harry-potter.md” inside this page I create a link to another folder called “hogwarts.md” which is tagged/inside a folder called place. On the Harry Potter s page would show something like “Related places” an all the pages with the tag places that are liked to this one. And the same goes for the Hogwarts page, there would show “related characters” and the harry potter page.

I’m pretty sure this can be achieved with queries, but I wonder if there’s a plugin that would shot this information on a different tab, instead of having this fixed somewhere on your note, and the linking would also be done automatically, instead of me having to paste every single query that I want to create a relationship with.

Thanks guys!

Things I have tried

I’ve search for some plugins, but no luck :sob:

I can’t think of a plugin that fits your exact requirement, but have you looked at Breadcrumbs?

As I understand you want all the links made to files inside a specific folder to to be automatically grouped together.

I don’t think Breadcrumbs can do that (I haven’t used it much), but it does involve ‘categorising’ links so maybe it can be useful?

Sadly the Breadcrumbs plugin does not do what I want, the closest that I’ve found was Tags Overview, but it shows an overview of all the tags on the vault instead of only the tags from files mention in the current openend file…

I was able to create something like this

Would that not work?

Only other option I can think of is Dataview, but I’m not too familiar with the plugin

hey dmantisk,

Firstly, thanks for the time you took to set this up.

But sadly this configuration would require to setup properties, but I wanted something more automatic, something like the LoreFrog tool do. If you write inside the character’s folder Harry Potter, and in the location’s folder Hogwarts, and inside the Hogwarts note you link the harry potter just with the default [[links]], it would know that the harry potter note is a related character.

You’re welcome!
Too bad that didn’t work, I’m out of ideas lol.