Reference with a link to Zotero

When I copy an item from Zotero to Obsidian I may get a reference like this one:

Wasserman, S., & Faust, K. (1997). _Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications_. Cambridge University Press.

But how can I have also in Obsidian, the link to this item in Zotero? I have it when I use my template for literature notes. But this template is more complete.

You can use the Citations plugin. It’s up to you how you will setup the template but you can put [Open in Zotero]({{zoteroSelectURI}}) in your template. This puts a link that when clicked, will open the item in Zotero.

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I have created a “Short reference” template like this:

@{{citekey}} {{authorString}} ({{year}}). {{title}}, {{publisher}}, {{zoteroSelectURI}}

But I don’t know what to do with it since I already have a more complete “Literature Template” that I use with Citations plugin. Is it possible to use both templates with Citations?

Below the space for “Literature Template” in the Citations Settings page, there’s settings for “Markdown Citations Templates”. I just stuck the example from your post in one of those fields, used the Command Palette to “Insert Markdown Citation”, picked an article that I didn’t even have a literature note for yet and it worked! Try that?

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