I sometimes use the canvas to create flowcharts (with obviously paths that can go back), only I often end up with crossed arrows or notes that overlap.
I wish there was a plugin that makes you choose the source node and then arranges all the others dstributing them for the canvas.
Mode 1: shortest path
After setting up the terminal block.
If there were to be multiple routes that all go to the end, I would like the program to sequence, if possible, the shortest route in the center, and the detours to the side. With possibility of weighting some of the blocks so that they tend to stay in the origin area, without spreading them out too much.
Mode 2: balanced tree
That creates a graph that is as balanced as possible, that is, trying to keep the children at the same level
I would also like the ability to automatically rearrange, or rearrange only a specific selection of blocks.
A warning informing me if I have forgotten any open paths would also be useful: in the node (note or annotation) I define with colors the possible paths that can be taken and expect corresponding colored arrows to come out of that node.