Recognition aliases

I have a note containing the following text

aliases: [Note1]

У меня есть другая заметка, содержащая текст

This note should refer to Note1

Now, if I put [[]] around the Note1, I will have a link to a non-existent Note1 note, but I would like to have a link to the aliases above

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If you type [[Note1, a popup should suggest the alias of the other note, and convert the link to [[RealName|Note1]]. You can also type out [[RealName|anything here]] to use any alias you like, regardless of it being defined in the yaml or not, it could even be defined as an alias of a different note

As @jkb replied, you have to create the link by typing double square brackets first and then typing the alias: Obsidian will suggest the existing aliased note and create the aliased link using the [[name|alias]] syntax. If you simply put square brackets around not-yet-linked alias, this won’t work properly, as you already discovered.

One more thing you can do is create an aliased link from the ‘Backlinks’ pane of the Note1 note: your other note (:ru: другая заметка) should be in the list of unlinked mentions, and you can just click on the ‘Link’ button while hovering over that mention with the mouse.

Thanks. I know about these techniques, but I would like the link to immediately become correct. Without unnecessary actions. By analogy with the main name of the note