Recognise pandoc citations as Obsidian links

This would be a REALLY nice feature!

In the mean time, I’ve found a solution that goes the other way.

Instead of having Obsidian recognize Pandoc citations, this has Pandoc treat Obsidian literature note links as citations:


Anyone know what’s the latest on this? The pandoc reference list plugin also has a lot of people asking about literature note links in pandoc citations: Back links from literature note to citation · Issue #97 · mgmeyers/obsidian-pandoc-reference-list · GitHub

This seems to work well with ZotLit nowadays. It will insert citations as [@citekey], which link back to the literature notes, and can also be processed by Pandoc Reference List etc. to have nice textual renderings. It’s not well documented in ZotLit, though - it just assumes that’s what is going to happen.

It doesn’t work show backlinks on the literature notes, though, which I agree would be fantastic!