Readwise+ Obsidian+Reading list. What to do?

Hello everyone.

I’m fairly new to Obsidian but I have been using Readwise for a little while to capture highlights.

My question is…What do you all do with the information once it has been captured? I don’t want to be just a collector of information. I want to put it to good use.

Do you write summaries for the highlights?
How do you all keep a reading/book list?

I’m thinking about using the kanban plug-in to make a reading/book list.

Any advice?

Best regards.


There are a lot of different schools of thought on this. I think you’re right–you probably don’t want to just hoard information. The question is then for you: what would you like to do with the information?

A lot of personal knowledge management systems are established with an eye toward creating something with the knowledge. This could mean writing articles sharing insights you generate from your reading. Some people even just share their raw notes for others who find it interesting.

Generally, there will probably be a bit of processing that needs to happen to go from raw highlights from Readwise to something more useful to you. If you just highlight and store it, I think you’re less likely to retain much of the information. So, you might want to go through your highlights and try to distill down some of the big ideas either by writing summaries of the books or articles, or even better, summarizing the books and connecting them to other things that you’ve read. That can be something you share (on a blog or some other forum, or longer term in a book on a topic that you care about) or even just pursue for personal pleasure if you enjoy writing.


After Readwise synchs my highlights, I rip each one out and work it into an atomic note with a cite reference. When I’m done I no longer need the original Readwise highlights note and delete it.

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Basically, I like to study philosophy, mental health, and a few other subjects that I’m interested in that I feel are all connected or matter to me such as martial arts, yoga, minimalism, “mindfulness”, travel (Not that I can do much of that just now!), etc.

I’m considering taking a short/intro course online at a University and want to get my ducks in a row in terms of note-taking, PKM, workflow.

I have considered writing a blog about these subjects also.


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Forgive my ignorance but I’m not quite sure what an atomic note is.
Could you provide any references or sources?

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I’m pretty sure I showcased how I do this in this video: How to turn your notes into published articles and books using the Obsidian app with Eleanor Konik - YouTube

This one might also help: How to use Zotero with Obsidian featuring Eleanor Konik - YouTube