Readwise Integration

Readwise is a great tool that has integrations with other note apps like Notion, Evernote…etc and helps integrate highlights from different sources.

I think it would be awesome to have an Obsidian integration with Readwise to sync highlights automatically.

The Readwise team just released an expanded API that could be found here :


Readwise offers export of highlights to markdown files. I tested this today and the files really look excellent under Obsidian. Once downloaded and added to the vault by moving it to the folder (I use Hazel for this so that it is done automatically) it shows up well within Obsidian.


Could you post your hazel workflow?

My hazel workflow is:

Capto_Capture 2020-12-09_14-07-39_

The Readwise zip arrives in my download folder, it then runs the Hazel workflow. I have created an inbox in Obsidian for files that come from outside. The files arrive in the inbox in a Readwise folder. I then process is it from within Obsidian however I want it.



@Haberjr neat workaround! :ok_hand:

I wanted something a bit more advanced than the markdown export (beta) currently offered by Readwise, here’s some more info…