Quick switcher new file mobile

This is a post of a feature request I was about to submit to mobile. I’m posting it here for the next person looking for help.

Feature: Create a new file from quick switcher when there are still search results on mobile.

Solution: tap shift then enter on mobile keyboard

Old Stuff:

Proposed Solution


[x] iOS
[x] Android *I don’t have first hand experience but it may apply.

Obsidian Mobile version: v1.2.0

On the desktop version of obsidian, it is possible to create a new file when searching through quick switcher using shift+enter. If quick switcher has ran out of results it is also possible to do it on both desktop and mobile by pressing enter. On mobile, when there are still search results, there is no elegant way to do this.

Personally I have quick switcher assigned to my mobile quick action and it would be nice to quickly create a new file when there are still search results.

Possible solutions:

  1. Long Press return on the keyboard will create a new file. Add some flavor text to search field to notify user.
  2. Add a button to field.
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Thanks for pointing this out!

This tip might be clearer if you remove the old feature request stuff. A single sentence like “To create a new file from quick switcher when there are still search results on mobile, tap shift then enter on mobile keyboard” says everything a help-seeker needs to know.

Also it would be great to file a feature request to add this to the documentation.

Thanks for the feedback. I can’t seem to edit the original message but a feature request was made here.

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