Querying Vault for Highlights with a Specific Tag? Not Possible?

Hello, I keep highlights from each of my books in Obsidian in the below format:







I would like to tag each individual highlight so that I can organise them by category. So my intended functionality would be for example:



#tag2 #tag3


#tag1 #tag4


But the end game behind all of this is to query my obsidian vault with a tag and see all of the highlights that contain said tag.

Unless Im doing something wrong, this doesnt seem possible since the query only shows the note name, not the highlight itself.

So my question is, is it possible to query my vault (without any 3rd party plugins) to display each quote with a particular tag on one page?

Right now, this is what happens:

I will note that the Obsidian Search seems to be able to do such a thing perfectly (for example if I search for #tag1 and choose to give more context), it will give me the all the quotes (in their entirety) associated with that tag.

How can I get this functionality from Obsidian Search and put it into a Query?

Do you get what you want if you add the tags to the lines? You can comment them out if you don’t want to see them in reading mode.

"I think I think." %%#tag1%% ==< tag not shown in reading mode==.

"I think therefore I am." %%#tag2 #tag3%% ==< tags not shown in reading mode.==

"I doubt therefore I doubt I am." #tag1 #tag4 ==< tags shown in reading mode.==

tag:tag1 tag4

tag:tag2 tag3

Thank you for your attempt, but this causes 2 issues:

  1. The tags make the search very visually messy
  2. For multi-line quotations, only the tail end of the quote is shown in the query

Sadly, while the official Obsidian Search has the exact feature I want, there is no way to get that functionality in the form of a full-page query.

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Yeah, far from ideal.

There is a feature request (link below) that might be worth adding a comment to. The thread also has some suggestions:

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