Ok, i’m solved my problem using C programming language (i have not used python because I already knew C and needed a solution pretty quickly).
The program works like this:
For recurring task write task like this: taks text (recurring: 'first_3_characters_of_the_starting_day'to'first_3_characters_of_the_ending_day')
For example:
- Task One… (recurring: mon_to_sun)
- sub-tusk one
- sub-tusk two — it must be empty, it is used to separate the tasks —
- Task Two… (recurring: mon_to_fri)
if you want the task to be shown every particular day:
- Task One… (recurring: sun)
This is program variables:
const char *weekday[] = {"dayOfWeek1","dayOfWeek2",...}
contains the days of the week (change them with those in your language). -
char today[130]
it will contain the file name in this form:weekDay - dd-mm-yyyy
char toDoList[] = {""}
contains the path of the file with the tasks inside (replace it with your file path). -
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
will contain the text (single line) extracted from the tasks file. (you don’t need to change it) -
char ricorrenza[15] = {""};
it will contain the occurrence of the task (you don’t need to change it)
You need to change:
char toDoList[] = {""}
contains the path of the file with the tasks inside (replace it with your file path). - In line 167 you need to change like this: `sprintf(today,"DESTINATION_FILE_PATH/%s
- %02d-%02d-%04d.md", weekday[tm.tm_wday], tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_mon + 1,
tm.tm_year + 1900);`
The program code: Recurring notes Obsidian - Pastebin.com (I didn’t copy and paste it into the post because it’s about 300 lines of code)
You can integrate this program in Obsidian following u/PartTimeCouchPotato istruction:
And then run that script from Obsidian with “obsidian-commander”???
Or highlight the script text, run it (against any language), and display the results in Obsidian???
All roads lead to Obsidian!!!