Various variants of this question has arisen over the last few months, the one below is my take which might be the closest to your requirements:
This should be possible to modify to a query that lists tasks with your custom status, and display a random one of them.
The question however, is more related to how you would like to trigger this. Is your dashboard kind of static in the sense, that it’s not easy to trigger a template into it (like the above code is utilising)?
Doing random stuff with just dataview tends to be a little to random, as each time you elsewise change the dashboard file (or reload it), the quote would change. Would that be something you’d still would like to use?
Would it be an option to have a button to generate a new quote? (I’m not quite sure how to do that, especially since I’m not using a dashboard myself, and I’m not sure how you format the part of the dashboard that should show the quote)
How to modify a query to return something random
Lastly, one trick to make a query return something random is to sort it according to something more or less random, like modification time in milliseconds divided by some number and then just use the first entry from that list. It’s not guaranteed to be a uniform random distribution, but it does produce some random output.
It’ll collapse a little if your quotes are all gathered in a few files, as it then tend to choose the first in that file. This could possible be countered by assigning numbers to the item in some random fashion.
So before presenting any code; Are most of your quotes gathered in a few files? Would you suffice with a query which changes the quote whenever Dataview chooses to rerun the query?