Pull linked notes content in a Automatic way

So lets say i have couple notes talking about car , each of these notes have relevant facts about it , and then i decide to create the note “Car”, so i linked all the other notes saying about the term “car” to the note “Car”, so my plugin idea would be pull the content of these notes(like the parapgraphs or titles talking about the “term” car) to the note "Car " itself in a automatic way

Note 1: … car is blue …
Note 2: … Ferrari is a car company…
Note 3: … automatic cars are …

and then , i create the note “Car”

Note “Car”:
car is blue
Ferrari is a car company…
automatic cars are …

You can do this by turning on “Backlinks in document” for the note in the note menu, or using an embedded search (unless what you want is to copy or move the text).

And if you want to be able to copy paste from related links results (which is not currently possible with backlinks), you can use the Influx plugin which allows you to copy text, copy reference, etc. It is currently in beta but you can install it via the BRAT plugin.

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