Publish takes a long time until the changes are visible on the website or just do not take effect at all

We strongly recommend you to search the forum with possible keywords before submitting a new bug report. Please also try your repro steps with third-party plugins and custom CSS disabled and see if it’s still reproducible. If it’s an issue with third-party plugins or themes, try contacting the author for help. Once you’ve done the above, delete this line.

Steps to reproduce

Make a page with images, change a word, re-publish, wait

Change theme

See the theme changed but the content still has not updated

Expected result

If I change the content, it should be updated. The fact that the theme / other settings take effect but not the words confuses me. 10 minutes later I still do not see the change.

Other pages have taken effect immediately in the past

Actual result

Publish does not change the page. I have to keep making changes in the hope that one of them takes effect


Obsidian version: v0.13.23
Installer version: v0.13.23
Operating system: Windows 10 Home 10.0.19044
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: none
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Safe mode: off
Plugins installed: 0
Plugins enabled: 0

published website: Azure Key Vault - Fred’s Notes (

As of writing this, still has not changed to even after publishing multiple times.

In contrast changing other things like publishing the images was instant.


Additional information

Some changes are not immediate because there are layers of caching involved.

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