Publish: Support Canvas

Hey all

I believe the best solution is to have plugin in obsidian and/or script which can convert canvases to static HTML files since

  • - useless, external closed source service, manual uploading, hosting your canvases at external service - bad idea.
  • BrainPress - additional server is problem to host vaults on services like github pages or s3

We really need solution to host vaults as static files like Hugo, Jekyll do on Github, S3, Cloudflare, etc


Has there been any activity of an official nature going on regarding Canvas in Publish? It does seem to be a fairly well desired feature but I can see the difficulty in implementing it.

I would also love this feature. I recently paid for publish, all excited to share some notes with my team, only to discover that I can’t share canvases, which is an intergral part of how I’m building things. I cancelled my subscription, because publish was useless to me without the ability to share canvases. Please implement this!


I’m really surprised there aren’t more people that would like this feature. I keep waiting for that to become a thing :slight_smile:


Daz there was a time I was scouring the internet looking for a way to do exactly this. Also very sad to see it has been almost a year since canvas and no feature to publish them integrated into the application. I would honestly also be willing to throw some more money at this specific thing to support it.


yeah, it seems like it shouldn’t be too hard to implement, since it’s just a json file.

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Please add this feature! I would love to share my CANVAS for my students for learning purposes

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Count me in!

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Please add this!

I was under the assumption it was already integrated and kept trying to get Canvas to work – it was quite confusing to find that a basic Obsidian feature wasn’t already included in Publish – especially as it would be a fantastic addition.


Made an account to support this feature request. This would be a total revelation for publishing notes. I’ve just woken up to the canvas feature and found it transformative in making connections, and making complex topics accessible to myself and others. PLEASE


I had to create a forum account just so I could upvote this and say YES!
Please make this available, it would be so useful to have as we use workflows and publishing them on Canvas would make our life so much easier and our information so much better on our Publish site.


Seems like SVG would be the way to do this, not React. No offense to react, but this is the kind of thing the SVG xml specification could handle exceptionally well.


Why is this still not added? :confused:


Is there any movement on publishing a canvas?
I was just about to try it until I read this thread!

I would love this to be included. does not appear to work with published pages. In addition, bring in a JSON Canvas to any of the sites they recommends creates blank boxes for any pages that are linked. I would love to share my canvas with my PhD committee and let them explore my readings via the canvas, but it looks like there is no easy way to do this unless I create a canvas that has no [[links]] in it and use it as more of a visualization tool rather than an interactive workspace that I can both use for my research and share with others.


This feature would be a game-changer for me! Any chance there’s a bounty on it I could contribute to? :joy:


+1 for this feature

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Is it still not possible to do?


Any update on this. It would be awesome to have.

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I’d like to try Obsidian Publish once this is available

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