Publish or Wordpress

what are the advantages of a Publish site over any free blogging platform, that also offers comment sections for posts?

I’m not a Publish user but I was thinking a mere blog would suit my purposes to publish material.
Then I realized I don’t want to (re)learn any CMS at all and what to do with my comments (%%forbiddentosee_commentedouthere%%) I don’t want the public to see?
What about my diagrams (mermaid, plantUML)? I like to give my readers pause to break the flow of reading with intermittent diagrams (they could be as primitive as [A] -> [B]).
What about a one-button push to the website (when all is configured)?

I don’t think I could go (back) to Wordpress anymore. No.
The graphs are also nice; they could very well be worth something to the reader.

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Could you elaborate a bit more? I’m pretty lost ahah

  1. Do you need CMS to maintain a simple blog on a free blogging platform like BlogSpot or Wordpress?
  2. I didn’t get the "%%forbiddentosee_commentedouthere%%" joke :sweat_smile:
  3. Why can’t you insert a diagram in Wordpress?

Wordpress can be considered a CMS. More than a blogging platform. Back in the day I was fiddling with it. Today, I fiddle with Obsidian and :slight_smile:

In Ole’s Digital Garden plugin, I can set rules for commented out text not to appear. It works also for links, so we won’t have problems for unlinked material leading to 404 errors.

  • Try adding %%you can't see me%% in your Obsidian md file. Switch to Reading Mode and you’ll know what I mean. The DG plugin is well integrated with Obsidian. I can’t speak for Publish, I’m afraid.

I don’t actually know about Wordpress’s plantUML or Mermaid capabilities. In the above response, I merely intended to list the Obsidian+DG goodies I cannot do without.