Properties: Date format not following system settings

Hello. Got similar issue on Windows 11.
I would like to see YYYY-MM-DD, but I dee mm/dd/yyyy.

  1. Obsidian shows mm/dd/yyyy
  2. Windows taskbar shows YYYY-MM-DD
  3. Short dare windows format is YYYY-MM-DD
  4. Chrome date input shows mm/dd/yyyy

Any workarounds for this?


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The only answer I have ever seen , and I am not sure where I saw it, is ‘change the date format in your system settings’. This seems to suggest that:

  1. This is desireable for some reason
  2. It is a tested and functional solution

I, for one, will not change my system settings, because I seem to be an edge case where one date format for the whole system and every application installed upon it is not sufficient. Having tested this, however, I can report that this does not solve the problem – at least not for my system.

My thought is Obsidian is eyeing the shark and contemplating the jump…

The “answer” is that this is marked as a known and reproducible upstream bug.

You saw what was most likely a bug-testing step to help narrow down where the problem was coming from. Not a proposed solution.