Promote/demote all selected headers

I did an update to the plugin Smarter hotkeys and that’s doing this now.
toggle headers
I’m using ctrl 1 & ctrl 2 with the command increase / decrease heading level


Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for.

I tried this step by step, but I get the following error:

Could it be because I saved the js-file in a subfolder (my-vault/obsidian-plugins/scripts/js-file)?

Any solutions?

You shouldn’t keep Templater user functions scripts in the same folder as other javascript files, so if that’s the case then Templater will fail on all files not following the correct syntax for a user functions.

So you should have a dedicated folder these user functions files, and most likely that will sort out your issue, @CurlyDandelion . If it doesn’t resolve it, you should post in Help showcasing the actual error you get from Developers Tool in the Console pane, alongside with the actual javascript you’ve used.