Yes, I also have this issue with Linter.
I just wrote my own version of processFrontMatter
to workaround this problem with line breaks
so instead of
await app.fileManager.processFrontMatter(file, fn);
I use
await customJS.FrontMatter.process(file, fn);
Here I use GitHub - saml-dev/obsidian-custom-js: An Obsidian plugin to allow users to reuse code blocks across all devices and OSes , but my code could be easily adopted to be used elsewhere.
class FrontMatter {
async process(file, frontMatterFn) {
const { load, dump } = await import('[email protected]/+esm');
await app.vault.process(file, (content) => {
const match = content.match(/^---\r?\n((?:.|\r?\n)*?)\r?\n?---(?:\r?\n|$)((?:.|\r?\n)*)/);
let frontMatterStr;
let mainContent;
if (match) {
frontMatterStr = match[1];
mainContent = match[2];
} else {
frontMatterStr = '';
mainContent = content;
if (!mainContent) {
mainContent = '\n';
} else {
mainContent = '\n' + mainContent.trim() + '\n';
const frontMatter = load(frontMatterStr) ?? {};
let newFrontMatterStr = dump(frontMatter, {
lineWidth: -1,
quotingType: '"'
if (newFrontMatterStr === '{}\n') {
newFrontMatterStr = '';
const newContent = `---
return newContent;