Primary Theme

@yalcin - Thanks for letting me know! I just tried it out. It does seem to be having some issues, specifically when the graph view is on the sidebar as a tab. It seems to work fine when the graph view is in the “active note” area though. I’ll check to see what I can do and I’ll update ASAP as this is a usability issue. Thank you again for spotting this issue :pray:

EDIT: I just fixed it! Update your theme and let me know how it goes!

CSS Snippet to adjust Primary’s Headings

For @SamAdams - here’s a CSS Snippet you can use! Just drop it in the CSS Snippets folder, refresh the list, toggle it on and it should be working! I’ve already tested it out :smile: Just change the px’s as preferred. I’ve used @KaneDodgson 's measurements as a placeholder :smile: You can change the line-height as well!

primary-theme-heading.css (1.1 KB)

Just a general PSA - Style Settings will be coming right after the mobile update! You’ll be able to edit header sizing through the plugin by then. But definitely feel free to tinker around with the code, or in this case add the given snippet above!!


@KaneDodgson and @Cecilia_May: Thanks a lot for your reply. Looking forward to the further development.


Hey guys! I’ve just added Mobile Compatibility for Primary!:tada::sparkles::carousel_horse:

It’s complete with beautiful styling, each for Phone and Tablet. I’ve also fixed header sizing issues on mobile edit mode.

Read the release here: Release v.0.2.0

NEXT UP: Customization through Style Settings and other minor fixes


@Cecilia_May - I’m really digging this theme, it’s made its way into my daily use. Thanks so much.

I’m noticing a slight issue with unordered lists. The second level turns into an ordered list, even when it isn’t specified. If it’s on purpose, I apologize. It really throws me off when I outline, though.

Edit on left, preview on right:

I’m sure I can eventually sleuth the problem, but thought you might like to know.
Thanks for the awesome theme!

So, I opened up on another system, and everything looks fine - Somehow this resolved itself. Please ignore for now, and sorry for the false alarm. I’ll report back if I see it again.

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Glad to know it was some mix up internally - I’m a heavy-user of unordered lists (Outliner FTW) so it shocked me that it turned out that way (I definitely didn’t intend it to look like that!!) :laughing: Definitely let me know if this comes up again!! Thank you so much for allowing it to stay on your daily use!! :pray:

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@Cecilia_May - Since my main rig still showed the issue, I dug into your stylesheet. You might want to check out line 2420:


I’m guessing it’s a typo - I don’t think “ccirlc” is a valid type for this element. I could be wrong - I’m definitely no programmer.

I wish I knew why it showed differently on my two main systems - both run Win 10. Anyhow, it’s easy enough to fix myself but if this is unintentional, perhaps others will benefit.

Thanks again for the great theme, and for the interaction!


AHAHA! Thank you so much for reporting this typo!! This is really funny to me because I really rushed (like, literally typed as fast as I can) to make this theme to submit in time for Obsidian October. My hands were getting tired and cold because of it and this typo “ccirclc” is just the a living proof of it :laughing: HAHAHA.

I just pushed an update! It should be fixed now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Thank you so so much for reporting this - especially in digging into the code itself despite not being a programmer (you’re definitely one in this case :wink:)!! :pray:


Well, it looks very polished and usable, even if hastily done. I normally have a few hundred lines of code to tweak a theme to my personal preferences, but on yours I think I’m under 150, and it’s like 95% header changes.

Oh, I program, I’m just not a (capital P) Programmer. I know just enough to accomplish one of two things: deconstruct and build things to what I want, or break them beyond repair.

Congrats on the theme, and the accomplishment. Well done.

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Hey - I really think you should make a theme like this for VSCode. I think it might be a harder task but it should still be possible. I love this theme so much and would love for it to be in VSCode.

One thing though - if you do plan to make a theme like this for VSCode make sure it supports all of the commonly used languages, and some uncommonly used languages, syntax highlighting.

P.S. I would also prefer if the color of new variables weren’t just black or white so if you do make the theme in VSCode, try finding a good color for variables!


Wonderful theme! This and the Minimal theme are the best Obsidian themes nowadays. Thank you so much!

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Hello @Whippingdot ! I really appreciate your comments. I have thought about it greatly and decided that I will turn this idea into a reality! I actually have thought about it, but now that the demand has increased, I will surely create this project sooner than later!! This is my current “must-support” list of languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • C++
  • C#
  • Swift
  • PHP
  • Terminal Apps:
    • zsh (I’m on Windows and am not familiar with Mac terminal apps, maybe you have a suggestion?)

What do you think of this list?

Again, thank you so much for voicing your suggestion!!! :yellow_heart::heart::blue_heart:


VSCode supports markdown so maybe that as well?

Also, love the theme. Is there a plan to update Primary with style setting support?

Yes there is will be!! I’m still a bit busy now, but it’s already on the works and will be updated once I get the time. At most it should be out by late of January!

Also, thank you for the suggestion!! Will add it to the list :wink:

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Updated “Must-support” List of Languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Markdown
  • Python
  • C++
  • C#
  • Swift
  • PHP
  • zsh Terminal

Yea this list is perfect. Maybe adding support for ipynb files (jupyter notebooks in vscode) would also be nice cause there are many students who use vscode for jupyter (like me). Also, I think Ruby would be a big one for some people!

BTW, I am a big One dark pro theme fan on vscode, and the author recently allowed you to change the color of any syntax highlighting he has added. Like you can change variable color and all in the settings menu easily:

If you could add this for customization it would be nice too! Sorry for asking you to implement soo many things.

One last request - the weirdest of them all - I know this theme looks amazing cause of its brown colors and chocolate like schemes - but maybe can you try making a very dark blue theme too for both Obsidian and VSCode? Like basically One Dark Pro but way more darker. This is a bigger task cause you would have to completely overhaul your theme that you have right now but I have really wanted to ask a developer to do this as whenever I try making my own theme it fails utterly.

P.S. I have mentioned one dark pro a lot in this message and so I would recommend you see how the author of that theme made the theme cause it was a hit and is the most installed theme on VSCode (I think).

I’ll add both, ipynb and Ruby to the list!

Thank you so much for this suggestion too! I’ll definitely check out One Dark Pro!

For your weird request — it’s definitely something that I’ve been thinking about too, but color mixing took tons of studying over the years and takes hours (even days) to perfect it, so I will have to make it a premium product. I have bills to pay and surgery to save up for too, so the only way I could make this possible is by monetizing it. I am still unsure about how much it would cost, but I hope you understand why!!


Updated “Must-support” List of Languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Markdown
  • Python
  • ipynb
  • C++
  • C#
  • Swift
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • zsh Terminal
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Agreed, from personal experience, it might seem easy but mixing colours and getting the perfect combination is extremely hard.

Understandably. Best wishes about the surgery.

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Super sad that it will cost money…but I understand! I probably won’t be able to pay for it cause like I’m a kid but yea I hope people do pay for it and get that theme if you make it!

BTW I think your must-support list is now perfect, but I shall tell you if I find any other languages that I forgot about that are popular and you should add!

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Yea I can never find the correct color palette for myself so I don’t know how I would do trying to make one for everyone :joy:

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