Placing File Links on Images

Hi there!
Usually, I don’t go out of my way to ask these types of questions, however, I’m in pretty big need of something rn. I’m looking for a method, plugin or feature that allows me to place links on top of images, the closest reference I can find to this concept is the World Anvil Map system and nothing similar in obsidian (that I’m aware of).

Please let me know if anyone knows how to do this or if a plugin may be in development or otherwise! and thanks in advance!!

One of these suit your needs?

#### Image link: remote image and remote URL   

#### Image link: local image and remote URL 

#### Image Link: local image and local URL 

Only the first one will render in the forum:

Image link: remote image and remote URL

Image link: local image and remote URL


Image Link: local image and local URL


The last two should render cleanly in reading view, though not in editing view.

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Based on the “World Anvil Map” video you linked, you’re looking to be able to place linkable pins on the image, right?

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