Placing a new command

Things I have tried

I would like to implement folding on lists of files in the file explorer.

From the context menu that shows up when you press on a file name in the file explorer—I’m working on an iPad at the moment—I select “Add a command” and then add the “Outliner: fold the list” and “Outliner: unfold the list” commands.

But the commands are not added to that menu but to the menu that appears when you tap the three vertical dots in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

What I’m trying to do

I would like to add the Outliner fold commands to the context menu that appears when you press on a file name in the file explorer.

Responding to my own question: I’m concerned about the naming of the Outliner fold commands. Both commands reference “the list.” What list is that?

I would want folding to work on a selection of items in a list. Folding and unfolding an entire list, e.g., the list of files in the file explorer, is not very helpful.

Except when that is what you want to do, which I imagine would not be very often.

Outliner works on lists inside notes. It’s not meant to apply to the file explorer. Read the description on its page.

If you want to fold in the file explorer, you’ll need to use folders.

“Folding” in general is hierarchical — you can’t just fold a series of items, they need to be under a parent item.

- can't 
- fold
- these
- but you can fold this
    - to
    - hide
    - these
Can't fold

These paragraphs
## but you can fold this header

To hide the paragraphs

Under it.

I think the behavior you want would be called “hiding”.

Thanks for the clarification. Wondering about the use of folders and headers.

I made pretty liberal use of headers in my VimWiki note taking, though my notes there were definitely not atomic.

In MaxThink you could fold a list under the top item of the list, converting a plain list into a hierarchical one. (Miss MaxThink.)

Check the folder note plugin. I think it adds some of the functionality you are looking for.


It’s kind of a long shot, but if you wanted to write a list of desired MaxThink features, you could post it as a plugin request (or as several, perhaps with 1 overview request linking to the others).

Thanks. So long out of use that I’d need to refamiliarize myself with MaxThink’s outlining capabilities. To do that I’d need to get it running again in an emulator.

The MaxThink manual would help too. Don’t have copy right now. But somebody’s put a PDF of it out here on the web somewhere. Should get it. If just for renewing an old acquaintance.

Another option, unrelated to MaxThink, is Logseq. It’s an outliner. Like Obsidian it uses plaintext markdown files. Several people have figured out how to get Logseq and Obsidian reading the same files.

Want to explore that, but for the time being I’m gonna focus on expanding/deepening my understanding and use of Obsidian’s capabilities.

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