PDF - Zotero - Obsidian: Current state and collaboration for the ONE plugin?

In theory, yes, but in reality, neither of those two plugins work on mobile, and mobile support is not being worked on, as far as I can tell.

I know @aidenlx has mobile support on the roadmap for Obsidian-Zotero, but I don’t know how he intends to achieve that. Perhaps through the Zotero Web API, or an exported library, like you mentioned?

@Christian Has made a script that connects to the Zotero web API using QuickAdd, which can generate literature notes on mobile: How I Read Research Papers with Obsidian and Zotero | Christian B. B. Houmann

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It simply has a large amount of features, especially for templating. I haven’t found the other Zotero integrations to have as many features.

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ZotLit (previously “Obsidian Zotero Plugin”) is now accepted as an obsidian community plugin. Check out the new document for details :slight_smile: