Parse markdown inside <details><summary> tags

Well the hacky HTML way works, but the font-change is what bothers me

Even adding font styling to the tag doesn’t seem to obey the theme font
<pre lang="bash" style="font-family: ui-monospace, monospace;">

<summary>It's output would look something like</summary>
<pre lang="bash">
	Configuring LuaRocks version 3.11.1...
	Lua interpreter found: /usr/bin/lua
	Checking if /usr/bin/lua is Lua version 5.4... yes
	lua.h found: /usr/include/lua.h
	unzip found in PATH: /usr/bin
	Done configuring.
	LuaRocks will be installed at......: /usr/local
	LuaRocks will install rocks at.....: /usr/local
	LuaRocks configuration directory...: /usr/local/etc/luarocks
	Using Lua from.....................: /usr
	Lua include directory..............: /usr/include
	* Type make and make install:
	  to install to /usr/local as usual.
	* Type make bootstrap:
	  to install LuaRocks into /usr/local as a rock.