Outline tab does not stay collapsed and scrolls while typing (expands, unfolds headings)

I’m still seeing the bug described in this topic, with the Linux AppImage v1.8.4 on KDE:

Since the topic was closed to updates, I’m starting a new one.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start a new note with the following markdown:

    # Heading 1
    Contents for heading 1
    Contents for heading 1
    ## Heading 2
  2. In the Outline pane, collapse Heading 1:

  3. Make any edit, such as deleting a character from the contents of Heading 1:

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Expected result

The Outline should persist its folded state, at least for the current tab and within the session (ideally between restarts).

Actual result

The Outline expands all headings.


Obsidian version: v1.8.4
Installer version: v1.6.7
Operating system: #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu May 2 18:50:49 UTC 2024 6.8.9-100.fc38.x86_64
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 1
Restricted mode: on

Additional information

Screencast available upon request.

Yeah, I’ve been experiencing what I believe to be the same bug, in a slightly different form. I don’t normally keep my Outline collapsed, but I do have some long notes with dozens of headings, and the outline constantly flickers/jitters while I’m typing in those notes. (Just tried collapsing the outline in those, and the normal flickering behavior expanded them again.) This has been happening for a 1-2 years, at least, really looking forward to the bug fix.

Edit: yes, a couple other replies to this thread mention the same thing.

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Hi, mine does the same thing, also in long documents. I can’t work with the outline jittering all the time, i have to switch it to something else, but that also makes it hard to work, because in the long notes i need the outline. help! thanks

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Update - I installed the “Quiet Outline” plugin, and it seems to have solved the problem.

I think this is a bug in core, not something that a plugin should solve?

I still see it in v1.8.7, despite some Changelog entries involving folding.

Hi, Are we talking about the same thing? My problem was that the outline would sort of jump as i typed, it jittered, but didn’t fold or unfold. The Quiet Outline plugin seemed to solve it, since it no longer jitters. Its got some other good functions also.