The Outline should persist its folded state, at least for the current tab and within the session (ideally between restarts).
Actual result
The Outline expands all headings.
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Yeah, I’ve been experiencing what I believe to be the same bug, in a slightly different form. I don’t normally keep my Outline collapsed, but I do have some long notes with dozens of headings, and the outline constantly flickers/jitters while I’m typing in those notes. (Just tried collapsing the outline in those, and the normal flickering behavior expanded them again.) This has been happening for a 1-2 years, at least, really looking forward to the bug fix.
Edit: yes, a couple other replies to this thread mention the same thing.
Hi, mine does the same thing, also in long documents. I can’t work with the outline jittering all the time, i have to switch it to something else, but that also makes it hard to work, because in the long notes i need the outline. help! thanks
Hi, Are we talking about the same thing? My problem was that the outline would sort of jump as i typed, it jittered, but didn’t fold or unfold. The Quiet Outline plugin seemed to solve it, since it no longer jitters. Its got some other good functions also.