Option to search in ignored folders

Use case or problem

I really like the new setting in Obsidian that lets me ignore some folders from the search:

I usually don’t want to see my template files showing up in the search results when searching for e.g. #TODO tags, and this setting is brilliant for it! :sunglasses: But sometimes - more rarely - I’m searching for old links that I want to replace with new ones, and they might be located in my template files, too.

Proposed solution

I’d like to include a new option in this search pane:


I’ve marked a place with a red dot where I’d suggest to add a toggle icon Include excluded files. By default, this option would be disabled.

As an added benefit, the tooltip could also list the excluded directories, just as a reminder for the user too see in practise, what locations are currently ignored.

Current workaround (optional)

Currently, I don’t use the global search, if I’m looking for something that I know might be located in my excluded files. Instead, I go through the excluded files manually and perform a local search inside each file.

Thank you for considering this! :slightly_smiling_face:


Alternative workaround: install the plugin “Omnisearch” and keep the setting “Respect Obsidian’s exlcuded files” disabled.

Then replace the shortcut of the Quick Switcher with the Omnisearch.


you can search in ignored folders, you need to explicitly ask for it by adding it to the path:

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