Option to disable blinking caret/cursor in android app (for people with seizure disorders)

Use case or problem

For people with seizure disorders, blinking caret/cursor can be a problem. I personally unconsciously become dizzy with blinking caret/cursor. So I disable it whenever I can. Some people found a way to disable it on the desktop obsidian app, but I wish it were an overt feature, not a hack. Also, I especially wish it were available on the android app. (ios too, but I’m not an ios user)

Proposed solution

A toggle to enable or disable blinking caret/cursor in the editor settings

Current workaround (optional)

Some people found a way to disable it on the desktop app. They discussed it in the forums here.

Related feature requests (optional)

I can’t think of anything else, but a series of accessibility features might be nice to think about.

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