Option to be able to revert to tab list in Android mobile

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Use case or problem

My use case is to be able to view my tabs in my mobile (Android) as the old list of titles, rather than the new snapshot view we’ve changed to.

In my workflow, the snapshots take up too much screen real estate, often resulting in my having to scroll (where I used to be able to simply glance). My note titles provide me enough information that I can easily select from a list. The snapshots don’t add any value to me (and are often just blank with a undistinguished icon, for whatever reason).

Proposed solution

A simple toggle for those of us who prefer the old list of titles for their tabs.

Current workaround (optional)

Short of scrolling, I have no workarounds at this time.

Related feature requests (optional)



Hi, same here.

PLUS: I use tab groups on my phone, and the new list doesn’t show the tab groups separations at all, and it makes it very impractical.

If I connect my phone to a screen and use Samsung Dex, I get the tablet functionalities, including tab groups.
If I use my phone only, I use sliding panes in the Pane Relief plugin (after giving the authorization in the manifest, and adding the .css snippet the author put together to make it possible - at least it was, until recently).
I need to see the tabgroups to quickly find the tab I need.

But it may also concern people with folding phones, who get the tablet functionalities when it is opened and the phone ones when it is closed, and may want to target a specific tab group in phone mode. (?)

My solution was to downgrade Obsidian getting the old .apk from Github, and go back to a crazy startup time.

Erased/reposted because of a typo that was hindering comprehension.