Option to automatically escape blank spaces in external links

Hi, everyone.

I always use the external link template in Obsidian for managing both external links and internal links to locally stored content from various files. However, the path syntax is my Achilles’ heel, especially when working with a complex folder structure. Writing accurate paths can be challenging in such cases.

To make things easier, I use the < > writing style, which simplifies the process by avoiding the need to include %20 and other cumbersome syntax elements. However, I wonder if anyone knows of a plugin that can directly copy or generate an address for content. This would allow me to effortlessly copy and paste the address without manual adjustments.

thanks in advance.

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(I don’t have an answer. Mostly just clarifying questions.)

Can you show an example of what you’re talking about? And/or be more specific about what content you’re talking about? By “the < > writing style”, do you mean some form of html links, or like this external Markdown link below?

[note with spaces](<file:///Users/USERNAME/path/note with spaces.txt>)

For example, for external files stored on your system, you can alt-drag into Obsidian from your OS file explorer and it will form an external link automatically. But that will add encoding symbols.

If the link is formed automatically, are you still concerned with avoiding the the %20 encoding? Because dragging like this will use %20, but you don’t have to type it yourself. I’m trying to figure out if manually typing links is your issue? Or if the symbols are your issue.

[PO October.pdf](file:///Users/USERNAME/Downloads/PO%20October.pdf)

And you are trying to use the same file:/// links for internal Markdown links inside your vault as well?

Or are you just referring to Markdown style, absolute path, without %20 encoding?

[Example Note](</Research/Subfolder/Example Note.md>)

Sorry for the confusion earlier. Here’s a more specific explanation of what I’m referring to:

In Obsidian, you have the external link template: [](). I use this template for both external links, such as:

And for linking to content within my files:
[Apple](<Global Folder/Technology#About Apple Production>)

Regarding the <> style, I was referring to the example you mentioned. I brought this up because if someone suggests a plugin that copies links in the %20-encoded style, like this:

It wouldn’t be very helpful for me. Links in that format are hard to read and manage. My preference is for links that retain human-readable formatting, such as:
[Apple](<Global Folder/Technology#About Apple Production>).

The challenge arises when I try to write links like the one above, especially if the referenced file (in this case, “Technology”) contains complex elements like tables, quotes, subheadings, etc. It becomes quite difficult to construct an accurate link manually, and I’m not always sure how to do it.

This is why I’m looking for a plugin or tool that can easily copy the full URL to a specific piece of content, maintaining the readability and avoiding %20 encoding. If anyone knows of a plugin that can handle this, I’d greatly appreciate it!

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Yeah that’s clear. I don’t use Markdown links very often, but whenever I do, I’d love the option for it to be human readable with the < > brackets by default.

That might even be a pretty good Feature requests.

The request: Add a toggle option to automatically escape blank spaces in links by using <> brackets. So that we can avoid %20 encoding, and make our external links more readable.

[note with spaces](<file:///Users/USERNAME/path/note with spaces.txt>)
Or an external link to a website.

Referring to this syntax from the help docs:

External Links: You can also escape the URL by wrapping it with angled brackets

Basic formatting syntax - Obsidian Help.

Workaround: Manually adding the brackets, and removing the %20 symbols.

I’ll move this to Feature Requests, and rename the title if you don’t mind. (Since the original post didn’t follow the template, it might get moved back to help. If so, I think it would be worth posting again, and following the template.)

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Do as you wish :blush: