I would like onInstall () and onUpdate() hooks to be added for plugin development.
Right now, i am developing a plugin and sorely missing these hooks. From developing chrome extensions, i know these hooks are extremely useful in preserving user settings and sane defaults. Right now, the lack of these hooks is preventing me from making an update that keeps current behaviour but sets a sane default.
Thank you for considering!
Moved to Developers: Plugin & API.
There is already onUserEnable
which will get called when the user first enables the plugin
Could you please rename this to “Feature request: onInstall() and onUpdate() hooks”, please? That would clear things up a bit, since this is not in the feature request forum anymore.
Thank you for notifying me to the “onuserenable” hook - although it does not resolve my current issue, i may be able to make good use of that, thank you!
Consider explaining what your issue is, and maybe someone will have a suggestion or workaround, in the meantime. Or you’ll make a clearer case for why the hooks should be added. (I’m not a dev. Just suggesting.)
For example, how and in what context are you prevented from providing sane defaults?