Obsidianite Theme — Version 2.0.0 (Oct 9, 2022)

Two small feedbacks:

  • Bold wiki links like **[[test]]** in editor don’t display well.
  • Symbol combinations are no longer automatically converted to image symbols. For example, => won’t be converted to something like . I guess it’s because the font “Rubik” ?


Thanks for the feedback!

The first one is an issue with the css I use for the links. I need to rework on that. Will get it fixed!

On the second part, are you referring to the font ligatures? Yeah Rubik does not support the font ligatures, you can customize the CSS to use a different font if you want to use ligatures. Fonts like Fira Code, Operator Mono will support this.

Simply change this line, and replace the Rubik font with a font that supports font ligatures:

:root {
  --default-font: 'Rubik', 'Glow Sans SC', 'Inter', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI',
    Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', sans-serif;

Hope these helps! :beers::beers::beers:

Thanks for the reply!

I found the font ‘Rubik’ so nice that I could give up ligrature for it :joy::joy::joy:

And I tried this tool a better ligaturizer (shared by @greenmanspirit from discord) to ligaturize the font, but failed. However, it’s not a big deal XD

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Hi! Love the theme! Thanks so much for posting this.

I do have a quick question. I added Andy Mode and it works like a charm in conjunction with your theme, with only one catch.

If I have several panes open with Andy Mode and I’m typing not in the most left-ward pane, the dropdown menu for tag and page autocompletion gets shifted far to the right side. It’s still functional, but a bit of a hassle. Any way you can think of to fix this?

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First of all, I am glad that you love this theme, and enjoy using it! Thanks!

Anyway, could you post an screenshot for me to take a clearer look at the problem? That would help me identify or debug the problem thanks.

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Thanks! Here you go –

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it’s fixed in the new update of sliding panes plugin.

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Another small thing: Bold LaTeX disappears in the preview :dizzy_face:

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Alrighty, I will look into that one too in the next version. Thanks for reporting!

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I love this font so much, but I am a bit confused on exactly how to customize the fonts/options. Sorry super new to CSS

Hi! New to Obsidian and discovered your Theme today. I noticed the rotated § when using a line. It would be rreally cool to use a Fleuron ❦ instead of the simple §. Is this possible?

@WhiteHotaru: in the css of the theme find the code block that starts with:

.markdown-preview-view hr::after,
div:not(.CodeMirror-activeline)>.HyperMD-hr-bg::after {
  content: '§';

Copy the whole code block (which is more than those few lines) into a new plaintext editor, and replace § with the fleuron.

Save that file as a css file in your snippets folder, and enable the snippet.

Incidentally, there are many css tweaks for newbies here.

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Hey, I love this theme! I would like to change one thing though - I would like for the Editor to view to use a monospace font “B612 Mono Regular” instead of the Rubik font. I tried editing “–font-family-editor: ‘B612 Mono Regular’;” but the editor is still proportional.

Is there somewhere else in the .css file I need to edit?

Thank you.

Let me double check this font variable and get back to you.

Having an issue with the Obsidianite theme. I don’t know if it’s because of a configuration change (trying to change the font) or if an update to the theme broke it.

Anyone else report anything like this?


Can you give me an example of your code and let me use it to debug it?

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The rule line before ul list doesn’t show up on Preview Mode. I’m using Obsidian version v0.12.11.

Thanks for creating this amazing theme!

First of all I wanted to tell you that your theme is awesome. I really love it. I started twicking it a little bit size and color and the only thing which for some reason I can not figure out is the color and size of underline links. Sorry I am not too good with CSS, can you please tell me which is the syntax that controls it? Thank you

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Thanks for everyone’s support over the 2 years, I had just updated the theme to 2.0 and support the live preview yay :confetti_ball:. Hope you all like it!

I am having some what of a similar issue, although mine is not the pane(s) sliding, but rather my files and folders. This occurs each time I go to select a file from within a folder. I only have a few themes installed, so I was able to filter through them and isolate to “obsidianite.”
I am not sure if this is just a local problem. Scanning through the other issues here, I am thinking it might be.
Thank you!