Obsidian Zettelkasten

My comment that you quoted was in relationship to other zettelkasten besides Luhmanns. I was well aware of Luhmanns online, but don’t know of any other online ones to compare it against. If you come across any, let me know.

253 - Link as Search vs. Link as Direct

Came across this Zettelkasten De forum post that put something to words that has been on my mind lately. I’m still not sure what I want to do for file naming.

[[202005091413]] Name of file - is considered link-as-search, as it searches for just the Time ID. It is what is used by The Archive.

[[202005091413 Name of file]] - is considered link-as-direct. Where it searches for both the Time ID and filename.

[[ Name of file ]] - is the removal of the time ID, preferring just the title. This has the advantage of being able to support free-linking and unmentioned links. The disadvantage of this is if name of file somehow gets changed and doesn’t properly update in the other files. Or if you program of choice doesn’t update linked files with new name.

Related Zettelkasten De discussion “Future proofing my Zettelkasten – file names and linking”.

Also my previous thoughts on UIDs and perhaps Folgzettel debate note

(Sarcasm Alert) Well, that doesn’t leave much hope for me. I’m looking to YOU for the answer. No pressure though. For me, The Archive (forum.zettelkasten.de) and Obsidian are two planets in the same solar system. (Roam is Roam, a Galaxy far away). Each are in orbit around the same sun, Zettelkasten. And there seem to be as many understandings, interpretations and definitions of things (Titles, Links) as there are posters to threads. So if you’re not sure, I’m really…F’ed! So, do me a favor. Pick something! So I can move on. Until you change your mind…:wink:

255 - Direct vs. Multistep Linking

This is fundamentally a question of structure and asking how does one build a model. When linking information (note to note) it is good to ask whether information should be a single step away (direct link) or multiple steps away (multiple notes between two notes).

The way I think about it is to ask “in what context would I be using this current note and what other information could further enrich it”. For example, when looking at my psychology note I don’t really need to have a link to a study on memory I found interesting. It is beyond the immediate context even though it fall in the realm of psychology. Instead I’d want information that directly relates to the concept of psychology itself, such as:

  • the structure of the field
  • major themes of the field
  • most influential thinkers
  • how the field emerged
  • how the field relates to other fields

Instead the note I have for a study on memory would be linked to the note I have on memory, which would be linked to a note on major themes in psychology, which in turn would be linked to my note on psychology.

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The reason why I’ve never seen the point of a UID is that I want the name of file, the unique ID, and the wikilink all to be human-readable and intelligible. In addition, the more I use Obsidian, the more I realize how much power there is in its [[autocompletion]] of bidirectional links, because it introduces linking at the point of composition – not just when searching afterwards. It’s changing the way I think while writing, as I reach for distinctive, complex concepts that I’ve already been developing. This might seem as though it stifles creativity, but I find that it actually helps me to probe deeper, building on thoughts I’ve already had, if only by using the same phrases. If I’m stuck while writing, I just hit [[ and type a few key words, and I’ll often be reminded of a related idea that I can integrate into what I’m writing.


So I like the thought of UID other than standard titles is because they provide secondary features that can be useful (see below). But how it is structured in Obsidian, means I lose out on the utility of autocompletion and backlinks. I’m working on an Obsidian Publish site in a separate vault, implementing just straight titles, and I’m starting to like it more.

The main issue with titles is you lose that redundancy and sometimes you don’t always know what to title a note. I am still processing and trying to decide on what I’d like to do long term.

Here is my writing on UIDs so far

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May I ask what happens to this project ? Did you find the ROI to be not worth it ? Just wondering about the reasons.

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@minhthanh3145 it is still happening. I’m currently transitioning all the notes over to Obsidian Publish. It is just taking a very long time because I’m busy with life and reprocessing all the notes. Whereby I rewrite some of them, expand on the notes that are just bullet points, and better interconnect all of them. On the website index, if you look at department 8 - knowledge work, it has how many notes of the roughly 250 here that I’ve processed.

I do work on it every week though, so it is happening!


Thank-you for sharing not just your ideas, but the thought process that went into it.

I do have a Mac, so I am now toying with the idea of trying ZK3 and using Mac’s advanced multiple file renaming. But after checking my file count I am over 2 million created records on it, so it may not be practical.

I would like to hear mac users’ experience with practicalities and usefulness of file renaming.

Also, I wonder if macOS has
any file management features that assist in converting to a quasi ZK document management system.

You really got my brain working after reading this thread.

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Yes, think most of us are using Obsidian on a Mac :slight_smile:
For renaming files in a batch, and with more advanced granular renaming features, I use Adobe Bridge app for MacOS.
What is ZK3 by the way? Cheers


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263 - Linking for Navigation vs. Visualization

Linking for Navigation is where you include forward and back links in your notes such that it makes it easy to navigate your notes collection and pull up all the related notes. This is in contrast to Linking for Visualization, which involves being very deliberate in how you link information, such that a graph of your notes can illustrate the structure. Often times if you link for navigation it creates [[Network Diagram Hairballs]].

I’m not sure at the moment if there is a good solution to the problem. I’d love to be able to create different types of links in my notes. Have structure links and navigation links. One way to do this might be to use the tag system and network graph for visualizing structure.

Side Note: It is interesting to think about how actually the brain is built for navigation linking and the retrieval of information. Consider that each of the 10^11 (one hundred billion) neurons has on average 7,000 synaptic connections to other neurons.


Hi @lizardmenfromspace,

I believe one way of linking for visualization without hairballs is to use views with few nodes each.

  1. Your nodes can appear in many views.
  2. You can define several views that share nodes and arcs.

Example: The world’s map view (many countries) and the continent’s map view (few countries). You rename a country in the tool, and it renames it in both the map view and the continent view

Ideally, we’d be able to use link types to distinguish between links of different nature. That way, we could clearly specify that a particular link points to the next / previous note in a note sequence. For example, like this:

[[followed by::Next note in note sequence]]

I’ve given an example in another thread:

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266 - Unknown Errors (wicked errors)

Part of the problem with learning and knowledge work is knowing that you made an error or are doing something wrong because the field and tasks aren’t clearly defined or understood. This also leads to a lot of somewhat vague forum posting, where people feel as if they aren’t doing knowledge work correctly, but have no clue how to fix the problem.


I hope you keep up the great work.
Thanks a lot.

= )

@Wet thanks for the encouragement, I’m very slowly porting this over to Obsidian Publish and reworking all the notes. It is titled /obzk.

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Good Day,

Getting started with my Zettelkasten workflow and trying to wrap my head around everything. Would you recommend formatting your Daily note with the Zettlelkasten date/time format?




The purpose of the zettelkasten date/time format is primarily because it can serve as a unique identifier. Each second of time is unique and not repeated, which keeps you from every worrying about creating duplicate filenames.

For my zettelkasten, I use titles because it allows for a smoother workflow. The one exception I’d make is for a daily note. Because daily notes are centered around a specific time (day is a unit of time, as is week, month, year, etc) it makes sense to use date/time format.

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271 - ZK3 Note Sequencer

I haven’t worked out my thoughts completely on the Note Sequencer feature of the Zettelkaasten^3 software and whether I’d like to have that as an option within Obsidian.

Option 1: have a giant notes outline. The problem with this is that it becomes increasingly hard to navigate and use as the list grows in complexity. My current implementation involves just spinning off sections to new outlines but this becomes cumbersome. The zettelkasten^3 solution is much better, whereby it keeps the scope of the outline to what is listed under the current note you have selected.

The one plugin that I know that is a step towards doing this is the Outliner plugin. But I haven’t played around with it yet, so do not know how feasible or desirable it is for me.

Option 2: is to create a series of nested embeds. This is difficult because you run into issues if you accidently do a recursive embed.