Obsidian Webclipper, return highlights as list of callouts

What I’m trying to do

I’m setting up my templates for obsidian webclipper, and I would like to have my highlights as a list of quote callouts.
I’ve tried playing around with the filters, including map, template, and callout, but to no avail.

I am able to get the entirety of the highlights and put that in a callout, but can’t seem to do it individually.

Ideally, this is I’d like each highlight to individually look like:

“This is some highlight from the webclipped article.”

Source: [Source name](source link)

Things I have tried

Here are the different filters I tried to use to achieve this:
{{highlights|map: item => item.text|map:item => “${item|callout:(“quote”, “Quote”, false)}”|template:“${str}”|join:“\n\n”}}

{{highlights|map: item => item.text|map:item => “${item}|callout:(“quote”, “Quote”, false)”|template:“${str}”|join:“\n\n”}}

{{highlights|map:item => (${item.text}|callout:(“quote”))|join:“\n”}}

If anyone could help, it’d be greatly appreciated!


Second this! Currently struggling with the exact same issue. I’ll get back here if I figure it out, but until then I’m bumping this to keep it active.

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