Obsidian v1.7.7 often crashes - Problem: Pasted image could not be found


I found Obsidian very useful and have also installed some very helpful plugins. Thanks to the creator.

But since beginning, without plugins, and now with plugins I see Obsidian very often a day to “restart”. I don’t know if this is really a crash or what happend.

I use Obsidian version 1.7.7 under Windows 11 home (24H2) and all driver and Windows is up-to-date. Also Nvidia RTX 4090 Version 566.36 is also installed.
I assume Markup-Language didn’t need a realy powerfull system, am I right?

Sometimes I open a Word file → Obsidian “crashes”
Sometimes I copy from a Word file → Obsidian “crashes”
I add some pictures and adujst them (Plugin: Image Converter) → Obsidian “crashes”
but not every time.

Today I addes some tables from Excel (PlugIn: Excel to Markdown Table) and after adding, I guess, the fifth table → Obsidian “crashes”.

One problem after the “crash” it looks like the link to some images are broken, but files are available in the “Image-folder”.
Message: Pasted image “xxx.png” could not be found. But in the folder on harddrive is this image still available.

Is there a log available to find out what is the reason for the “crash”?

How can I relink the image? Drag&drop via file-explorer into Obsidian notes didn’t work.

Thank you for any hint and information.

Best regards

Installed PlugIns:
Advanced Tables, Alias Management, Calendar, Checklist, Commander, Dataview, DB Folder, Docxer, Easy Typing, Editing Toolbar, Excalidraw, Folder notes, Highlighter, Homepage, Iconize, Image Converter, Image Toolkit, Link with alias, Reading Time,
Excel to Markdown Table, Projects, Spreadsheets, Tag Wrangler, Tasks,

One thing to make sure is to update all your community plugins, periodically. They don’t auto-update, and may have some old bugs. I would especially check out “Image Converter” and “Image Toolkit” if you are having trouble with image linking.

You open a Word file in Microsoft Word and Obsidian crashes? Or you open a Word file somehow in Obsidian?

In Obsidian, can you run the command “Show Debug Info” and paste that information here? That will show more about your setup.

Maybe. You can open up “Developer Tools”. Ctrl-Alt-i on Windows, I believe. And from there, you have a console where errors might appear. I don’t know if that information is logged somewhere when you crash.

yes, that’s strange. Sometimes I change to file explorer and open a word file. No idea why.

But at the moment I have the “crash”, after copy&paste of a few images from a word file into a Obsidian not. Not every image, and after the crash I tried the “crash-picture” there is no problem.

All extensions are updated.

Debug Info:
Obsidian version: v1.7.7
Installer version: v1.7.7
Operating system: Windows 11 Home 10.0.26100
Login status: not logged in
Language: de
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: dark
Community theme: Obsidianite v2.0.2
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 39
Plugins enabled: 24
1: Alias Management v0.0.1
2: Link with alias v1.0.8
3: Advanced Tables v0.22.1
4: Calendar v1.5.10
5: Checklist v2.2.13
6: Commander v0.5.2
7: Dataview v0.5.67
8: DB Folder v3.5.1
9: Docxer v2.1.1
10: Easy Typing v5.5.11
11: Editing Toolbar v2.4.16
12: Excalidraw v2.7.4
13: Folder notes v1.7.32
14: Highlightr v1.2.2
15: Homepage v4.0.7
16: Iconize v2.14.6
17: Image Toolkit v1.4.2 → Now disabled.
18: Image Converter v1.2.22
19: Reading Time v1.1.2
20: Excel to Markdown Table v0.4.0
21: Projects v1.17.4
22: Spreadsheets v1.0.1
23: Tag Wrangler v0.6.1
24: Tasks v7.14.0

Strange is, that this is not every time.

Is there a way to fix or refresh the broken links?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

Additional Information (can’t edit my post due to the time)

I have deactivated the Image toolkit and and closed Obsidian. After starting Obsidian I have had another “crash”.

Next “crash” happend right now. I copied some text within Obsidian, changed to file explorer and opened one word file. Obsidian restarted. It’s not a special word file.

Additional information
I added some text and images to new notes, switched to file explorer and opened a word-file(doc) → Obsidian restarted.
Before this occures, I guess I have opened more than 8 other word-files.
I can’t see this connection why this occures.

And if I copy a picture from a word file and past in a note → Obsidian restarted. Not with every image.

And after the “restart” do I copy&paste with the same picture → no problem.

All extension concerning images are disabled, and I closed Obsidian and start again.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

So, I have reinstalled Obsidian. No external extension installed.

And what should I say: same issues.

Obsidian restarts to selection of the vault:
1.) Open word (doc) file via file explorer.
2.) Copy an image from a word file and past it into a note in Obsidian.
3.) Save a word file.

For me it’s strange.

I used also registry scaner, sfc in cmd.

It looks like a conflict with a dll or Obsidian is checking something in the background, no idea.

I have no idea what to check as next.

New installed without community extension and got all three problems.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

does this happen in the sandbox vault?

At first: Happy new year!!!

No I didn’t try the sandbox vault.

But I guess I have found the problem.
Good thing: Obsidian and extensions are not the problem!!!

I use a folder on my NAS.
Yesterday I have copied all data to a local folder and worked the whole day with this vault (Copy text and pictures from a Word-file, writen), like the days before. All of my community-extensions are toggeld on.
No crash!!!
No restart of Obsidian!!!

Now I have to find out what the problem is with the NAS.

I’m sorry, but I had never before this problem and I use the NAS also for other things.

Best regards,

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