Obsidian to todoist using Apple Shortcuts and viewing with todoist sync plugin

TL;DR - I select a list of todos in Obsidian then I share that to an Apple Shortcut that creates tasks in todoist.

Things you’ll need:

  • Todoist
  • Apple Shortcuts
  • Note taking app (I use Obsidian)
  • Todoist Sync Plugin for Obsidian

The Goal - I want to turn the below example data into a task with sub tasks under a section in a project. Then review the result on todoist and the embedded object from the plugin.

// Example Obsidian markdown to be converted.
  Main task text
    - [ ] Sub task 1
    - [ ] Sub task 2

See results in:

r/todoist - Feature Request Apple Shortcuts / Obsidian (or any notes) to todoist workflow example

In todoist

r/todoist - Feature Request Apple Shortcuts / Obsidian (or any notes) to todoist workflow example

In Obsidian todoist sync embed

Example shortcut for Reminders with required behavior:

- Note in the picture below the ability to set the owning task

r/todoist - Feature Request Apple Shortcuts / Obsidian (or any notes) to todoist workflow example

Reminders Shortcut

Current todoist implimentation:

- FEATURE REQUEST I sent to todoist to expose additional arguments.

r/todoist - Feature Request Apple Shortcuts / Obsidian (or any notes) to todoist workflow example



Hey there! Do you have a link you can share to your shortcut? Thanks!