Obsidian Sync resources

Hello everyone,

Similar to its companion thread, Obsidian Publish resources, this thread is to provide helpful links, tips, and tricks, for using the Official Obsidian Sync service.

Getting started, a link to the help documentation. We’re constantly updating this, so if something is missing, please make an issue on the help docs GitHub. If it is out of scope for the help docs, the solution will come here instead.


If you are looking to add the Syncing icon to a more convenient position within your Tablet or Mobile installation, check out the following thread.

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A sync service is not a backup.

If you are looking for a community plugin to help you backup, check out Local Backup. It can backup your vault to a folder of your choice (and that folder CAN be a syncing folder such as iCloud). It can also zip up your vault folder while backing up, enabling you to have multiple static copies of backups.

Is there are setting to sync the list of files that have been recently opened? If not, is it being considered for the future?

The answer to your first question is ‘No.’

Regarding the second part of your question, it’s not appropriate for this discussion. However, to clarify the process for similar inquiries, the answer will always be:

I cannot answer that at this time. We post all of our publicly announced plans on our roadmap. You can refer to the roadmap at Obsidian Roadmap - Obsidian for confirmation on what is currently being worked on.

A helpful user from our support box pointed out that you can help make Obsidian work when you have a system proxy, by allowing Electron. (electron/docs/api/command-line-switches.md at main · electron/electron · GitHub)

For windows users, this would look like C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Obsidian\Obsidian.exe --proxy-server=http://proxy.server.domain.com:8080

You can also also find more information about this in this thread. Request to add http socks proxy as built-in feature - #20 by obsequious

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There was a discussion today in our discord about ways we can make it easier to keep our mobile devices in Sync, without having to actively manage it.

One of the ways we came up with, on Apple devices at least, is to use a shortcut and automation to open Obsidian when first plugging in the device to charge (presumably during non-use time), so that Obsidian can open up, Sync, and then close at a set time.


  1. Prevent device sleep must be set to True/On in Obsidian Sync Settings
  2. An iOS/iPadOS device that supports Shortcuts and Automations.


  1. Create a new shortcut with the items in the picture below, or you You can access the shortcut link here: Shortcuts
  2. Adjust the wait from 900 seconds to however many seconds you want it to stay open.
  3. Leave/Save the shortcut
  4. Go to Automation in Shortcuts, and create a new one with the condition Charge
  5. Select Is connected , and run immediately. It’s up to you if you want it to be notified that it runs.
  6. Plug it in, and have at it.

Future options: You can add an end-if or else if you want it to stop and close when disconnected from the charger. You can also add a timer, and whatever else you want.

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Android Version with Tasker, courtesy of @dbarenholz on Discord. They have provided a share link as well. Tasker Share

  1. Get tasker and do it’s battery saving things so it doesn’t get murdered by your phone.

  2. Use Tasker, not Tasky (so the “advanced” and “not user friendly” but “have full access to things” flavor)

  3. Go to Tasks, create a Task: have the task open an app (obsidian), wait a while, then go home

  4. Go to Profiles, create a new one: select State > Power Any (this means “when connected to any power source”), and add the task from 3. Make sure its enabled!

  5. Profit! Obsidian starts when you charge your phone.


Do you run Sync on multiple device types and multiple operating systems? I suggest giving Safe File Linter a try. It will rename files that have “not allowed” characters to be compliant with the different OS’s based on your settings.


A helpful user in the support box used the following terminal command on mac to open a temporary instance of Obsidian, so they can use a VM/Docker free second instance.

open -na "Obsidian"