Obsidian Publish - User defined Table of Contents (TOC) - Bookmaks

Tangentially related discussion to File Explorer Custom Sort:

Use case or problem

While understanding the ethos of digital gardens, I wish – as both a reader and creator --that Publish sites enabled the site owner to provide curated threads (or as Nick Milo would say, Maps of Content) as navigational tools. This might be especially appropriate for games, academic notes or fiction Obsidian Publish sites, as well as for multidisciplinary sites, where threads could provide curated experiences. Another use case might be for progressive navigation for different types of users – beginner, intermediate, advanced; or non-technical, technical. In each case the end user (reader) might then progress through a series of notes in context-specific order.

Proposed solution

A site owner should be able to toggle on a “Show Threads” option as Site Option or Component in the configuration panel. A tab or link in the Publish modal would then present a two-column configuration, with the current site navigation on the left panel and a “New/Edit/Delete Thread” panel on the right. The site owner could drag files from left to right and reorder them as needed, and then save/publish the configuration.

In the UI, a Threads “folder” could be placed at the top of the site navigation. Each created thread would appear as a subfolder which, when opened, reveals the curated files in custom order.

Current workaround (optional)

One workaround is to use a file-based Map of Content (MOC). This workaround is a little more functional in Sliding Panes mode, but many visitors are disoriented by that novelty. In standard mode, it requires clicking out of the MOC to the target, then returning to the MOC to get to the next target, etc, which doesn’t feel like a great experience.

Related feature requests (optional)

This approach could be considered as part of the general request for custom sorting of the file explorer in an Obsidian vault (File Explorer Custom Sort). The advantage of this FR is that it provides opportunities for multiple threads through content.

Thank you for considering!