Obsidian Publish: social preview for Substack

Obsidian Publish is optimized for some social networks to display a rich preview of the website when a user shares a link. However, this doesn’t work for WhatsApp or Substack. In this era of “social moving,” where people are shifting between platforms, it would be great to fix this issue.

The first image is from WhatsApp: the social display preview shows the site favicon instead of the note’s cover image.

The second image is from Substack:

The same from Facebook:

Thanks :pray:t2:

You ignored and didn’t follow or include the bug report template.

This seems more of a feature request than a bug report, no? :thinking:

Renamed and moved

whatsapp was deployed

Does anyone know what UserAgent substack uses to crawl sites for social cards? I might need to add it to a list to have it working.

Sorry @ariehen @WhiteNoise and thanks.