Obsidian Publish: Search results for headings produce URLs without fragments

This is something I’ve noticed on https://help.obsidian.md/ which I’m guessing might be a bug in Obsidian Publish. I’m not sure if this is the right place to post it.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to https://help.obsidian.md/
  2. In the sidebar search box, type link and select Link to headings from the results.
  3. Look at the URL in the browser’s address bar.

Expected result


Actual result


The page correctly scrolls to and highlights the heading, but the URL lacks the fragment. This is inconvenient when I want to copy the URL to the forum or Discord.


  • Operating system: Safari browser on iPadOS 15.6.1
  • Debug info: N/A

Additional information

Workaround: Tap the “copy link” thing that appears next to headings.

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Ctrl/cmd-click also is not correct.

Moved to FR