Obsidian Publish, custom domain and security errors in Firefox - page not displayed


I am publishing a notes website using Obsidian Publish and I have a custom domain. Most of the pages display just fine, except one, where I used a reference to a block. This page display blank. This triggered me to look at the Firefox Dev Tools and I see the following 2 errors, which appear in other pages as well:

Security Error: Content at https://randomideas.xyz/_wiki/202102121630+-+Book+-+Breath may not load data from https://publish.obsidian.md/app.js.
Security Error: Content at https://randomideas.xyz/_wiki/202102121630+-+Book+-+Breath may not load data from https://publish.obsidian.md/sim.js.

I assume that because these 2 files cannot be loaded is the reason for the page not displaying.

Anyone has any ideas how to fix this?



Can repro, looking into it.

Should be fixed!

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Awesome, it is now fixed! Thank you!

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