I think many of us may have found a moment where we spent too much time fiddling with metadata.
Yes, these past few days I have spent some time thinking about this as I use one vault for different use cases that require different properties.
- What are the core categories you use?
- Type
- Tags
- Status
- Day
- Project
- Reference
How many is too many?
The above is for many of my notes too many and I have deleted many since. Variation due to capitalised and uncapitalised properties results in too many also.
Therefore I welcome this feature: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/additional-properties-commands-rename-and-remove-properties-and-values-in-all-files/63806
What are your best practices for managing metadata property?
I have been thinking about this for the past few days.
The Cypher manual seems helpful in formulating best practices.
The type of node/note and its roles in problem-solving can help determine essential properties, as well as the data type and values. If a property is not used to answer a relevant question, it should not be included.
A best practice relating to this may be 'articulating and prioritising ‘use-cases’ or questions you want to answer with your notes in obsidian.
I’m curious about other approaches. Thank you for starting this conversation @nickmilo