Obsidian plugin charts full width

What I’m trying to do

Hello, I would like to ask if somebody knows how to render a chart and to take the full width of the note. I’m currently using the Minimal theme

Things I have tried

https://charts.phibr0.de/ (Obsidian Charts Documentation site)
Chart.js | Chart.js (chart.js site)

I checked on both the documentation pages but couldn’t find a solution.

That’s an example code I’m using:

var key = "category"

const result = await dv.query(`
FROM csv("db.csv")
WHERE direction="Out" AND category!=null
GROUP BY ` + key + `
FLATTEN sum(rows.amount) as total
if (result.successful) { 
	var labels = [],
		data = [];

	// Reformat into correct chart input 
	    (entry) => labels.push(entry[1][1])

	    (entry) => data.push(entry[1][2])

	const chartData = {
	    type: 'bar',
	    data: {
	        labels: labels,
	        datasets: [{
	            label: key,
	            data: data,
	            backgroundColor: [
	                'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)'
	            borderColor: [
	                'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)'
	            borderWidth: 1,
	window.renderChart(chartData, this.container);
	//this.container.style.width = "200%";
else {
	dv.h1("~~~~\n" + result.error + "\n~~~~") }