Obsidian Greenhorn question to switch from ZIM

Dear all,
I am new here and thus I apologize in advance for asking question that some may find stupid or “well-known”.

As I am locked out from my ZIM Wiki due to updating to MacOS 15.2 I had to reactivate my Windows dinosaur to get access again. That was the trigger to give Obsidian a closer look. After reading some posts here in the forum explaining the issue around subpages I understodd why getting my Wiki to Markdown format is the least critical part of a potential migration and the main issue is different approach of Obsidian in terms of building and handling the vault structure.

I exported parts of my ZIM Wiki to .md format as a test and when looking at the result I found out, that it is virtually impossible to navigate via tree view availanble on the left hand side. Reason seems to be that it is more or less an explorer / finder type view on a directory structure with the common downside that sub-directories within a directory are always on top while the files in this directory follow at the bottom. Thus, the actual page I would like to open may be down at the afar end of the content list of this directory, accessible sometime even only after heavy scrolling.

Despite there are many things I already really appreciate with Obsidian after the first experiments, this navigation issue really holds me back.

So, perhaps there are other former ZIM users here who had the same problemn and may have found a clever workaround. Unfortunatly I am not sufficiently into programming / scripting to be able do deep dives in this direction and I am certainly not lazy,but I still got hope that there might be a better solution than manually restructuring a 22+ GB vault :face_with_spiral_eyes:.

Looking forward to your input and thanks a lot in advance for your support.

P.S. By looking at the results of the import, I think there could be a way do get a subpage-like navigation tree without actually impementing subpages … but this is something for another forum section.